Constructed Landsacpe

When classical ideals meets materiality


Being classically trained as a painter all my life it’s often hard for many to understand the mainly sculptural works I focus on today. This series of constructed landscapes is a bridge between what I had been taught and my newfound love of material, mainly organic materials. These works also act as a comparison to the ways painting is often treated in the art world. Working with classical tropes as well as the way each material speaks for itself and demands to be placed in certain ways leave an area of contemplation on how the world is seen through the eyes of an artwork. An oil painting says little to its own materiality due to its extended history, but when uncontrolled forms are arranged, it is the materiality that makes it an artwork. I believe this distinction is a fallacy, a ruse built in our minds by a system that explains things a single way, I long to uncover it.


Bark Act